Friday, March 22, 2013

Long time, no see...

Hello all!

I sincerely apologize for the lack of posts on this here blog. But I am here to correct that!
Recently I have been listening to a band called Wolves at the Gate, and I want to share the goodness with you all. I want you to pay particular attention to the lyrics in this song. In fact, I'll post them below the video so you can read along. Enjoy!

This is "Dead man" by Wolves at the Gate

I was once a dead man
A stranger with no home
I stood opposed to God himself
And yet He pardoned me

With all my heart and the fiercest will
Desired not but to thieve and kill
I hadn't a thought of peace, but war
Surrender was not what I'd endure

I was a murderer filled with lies and deceit
Faced with my list of crimes that I would always repeat

Deliver me! Wake me up from this damning sleep
I'm surrendering! Pull me out from this wickedness
In this thieving heart of stone
I realized all these sins I could not atone

I was a murderer filled with lies and deceit
Faced with my list of crimes that I would always repeat

I was once a dead man
A stranger with no home
I stood opposed to God himself
And yet He pardoned me

So just at the right time when we were dead in our sins
You took this heart of mine and gave me life again
You gave me life again
This is where I begin

So far apart and a debt to fulfil
This purchase bought on redemption's hill
An ailing disease I couldn't cure
Oh this grace! How rich and pure!

Abide in me, my God! I am found in You
Pardon me, my God! You know my deepest thoughts
Deliver me from sin! I am made anew
I'm surrendering this heart! For which your blood it bought

The mob they yelled and screamed for justice
That wrath was ours we are to blame
You made a spectacle of rulers
Denying You of a king's fame
Having crushed the written canon
That wrote of all our guilt and shame
Displayed upon the tree it was nailed
The saving power of Your name

For I was once a dead man
A stranger with no home
You saw this wretch
And You gave him life
Forever I'll praise You!
I will praise You!

Good, eh? Notice the last verse there where he makes a connection between the Written and Incarnate Words of God. Brilliant!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Finals are here.

It's our last week of the semester here at Hillsdale. We should be filled with Christmas Cheer and all that goodness, but it's difficult to be very jolly when 10-30% of your grade is going to be determined by upcoming exams. But on the bright side, all my papers are done, and by the end of today, I will have one class (Science 101) over and done with. Then tomorrow it'll be Spanish. Wednesday and Thursday I have no exams so I'll be working at the library and studying all that time. Friday I'll have Western Heritage (should be interesting), and finally on Saturday, English 101.

Then we get to fly home to our dear family and friends.

We will have many stories to tell, much knowledge to impart,  and many people to catch up with. It'll be great. Just so you all know, we'll be flying home on the 16th, and staying till about the 13th of January, I believe.

As Dr. Jackson says when he can't think of a good conclusion,

OK, that's it.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

More Spanish Stuff!

This is the terrible video Emily and I made for my Spanish 102 Project.

My apologies to all you Spanish speakers.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

3 Weeks left before Christmas Break!


Can't wait to see all our family and friends at home.

Friday, October 19, 2012

We're not dead.

Just wanted to let you all (if anyone is still checking this so-called blog) know that we are still alive and kicking here at Hillsdale. We want to put up a video of us participating in some activity, as opposed to just us telling the camera what we did that week. But it is midterm season, and getting our schedules to align can be problematic.

In the mean time, here is a short writing assignment I did for Spanish class. It is satirical.

Walter Peterson
Spanish 102

Cuándo yo llegué a Hillsdale, yo estaba excitado de estar aquí. Aquí había estudiantes como yo: estudiantes que sólo deseaba aprender. O eso creía yo. Pero ahora yo sé que nada y nadie en esta escuela es serio. Los profesores dan una cantidad minúsculo de tarea, y esperan que los estudiantes salgan a fiestas en todo el otro tiempo. ¡Y los estudiantes! Ellos son muy fisgones, siempre haciendo preguntas, tales como, “¿Cómo estás?,” “¿Te puedo ayudar?” y (la más penosa), “¿Te gustaría ir a esta actividad divertida conmigo?” Además, la biblioteca tiene películas entretenidas. ¡Pero no es lo peor! He oído que el presidente de la universidad dispara estudiantes con una pistola de agua! Pienso que quiero permanecer en mi dormitorio por el resto del semestre.